What is the ISTQB Exam?

The ISTQB certification exam is a measure of your software testing knowledge. There are multiple ISTQB exams that cover different aspects of software knowledge, such as test automation, performance testing, security testing, etc. The first ISTQB exam that anyone will take is the ISTQB Foundation Level exam because you must pass ISTQB Foundation Level (CTFL) before you can take any other ISTQB exam.

Why should I take my ISTQB exams through ASTQB and AT*SQA?

ISTQB exams taken through ASTQB and AT*SQA are valid in every country globally. However, if you want to get a job someday with an American company, you should know that American companies check the Official U.S. List of Certified Software Testers™. The only way you can appear on that list is if you take your ISTQB exam through ASTQB or AT*SQA. So, if you want to work for an American company as an employee or independent contractor any time in the future, regardless of what country you are living in, you need to be on the Official U.S. List of Certified Software Testers™. Of course, ASTQB and AT*SQA will also add you to the ISTQB successful candidate register. Only ASTQB and AT*SQA can add you to both lists.

American companies check with ASTQB and AT*SQA because only the Official U.S. List of Certified Software Testers™ has the complete list of those certified for ISTQB certification by the American board. The Official U.S. List of Certified Testers™ is hosted by AT*SQA, our official ISTQB exam provider.

The creation of the ISTQB exams is the responsibility of the individual member country boards so that they best reflect the specific country’s language, usage, and terms. ASTQB exams are created as original exams for those who speak American English – they are not translated from some other language. U.S. employers recognize have expressed a preference for testers who have taken ASTQB’s ISTQB exams.

Our globally-recognized subject matter experts have worked very hard to create the ASTQB versions of the ISTQB exams, and we believe our exams are of the highest quality, with no trick questions. This makes for a better exam-taking experience for you.

In addition, don’t forget about all of the ASTQB-only benefits such as the Official U.S. List of Certified Software Testers™, the ASTQB Career Center, ASTQB webinars, ASTQB white papers, ASTQB local group sponsorships, and so many other benefits that are exclusive to those who have taken their exam via ASTQB.

You can’t make a better choice than the ASTQB exams through AT*SQA if you seek a U.S.-English exam or wish to work in the U.S. or for an American company from your country. Register now for the ASTQB version of the ISTQB exam here.

See even more reasons why you should choose ASTQB & AT*SQA for your software testing certification exams.

How do I start with ISTQB Certification?

The first step with ISTQB Certification is ISTQB Foundation Level (CTFL). It’s an important first step because it’s a prerequisite for all other ISTQB exams, meaning you are required to take it before you can take any other ISTQB exam. ISTQB Foundation Level is also important because it provides fundamental information that makes you a more effective tester. If you are an experienced tester, you’ll find it relatively easy, but it does provide a common testing vocabulary and set of principles that make communication more efficient across your testing teams, so it’s a very useful certification no matter your experience level.

What are the ISTQB exam dates?

ISTQB exam dates can be selected by you when you register. ASTQB and our ISTQB exam provider AT*SQA make it easy because you first purchase your ISTQB exam voucher that is good for 365 days. Then you can schedule your ISTQB exam for an open date and time that works best for you. Learn more about the ISTQB exam dates.

What is the ISTQB exam format?

The number of questions varies by exam. See how many total questions and how many questions by syllabus chapter are on each ISTQB exam.

ISTQB Foundation Exam: The Foundation Level exam consists of 40 multiple choice questions designed to evaluate a candidate’s knowledge and understanding of the entire Foundation syllabus. A grade of 65% or better must be attained in order to pass. The exam is a closed book exam. You have 60 minutes to finish. If English is not your native language, you may take the extended-time ISTQB exam which gives you 25% more time. Note that ISTQB Foundation Level is a prerequisite for all other ISTQB certifications.

ISTQB Agile Exam: The Agile exam consists of 40 multiple choice questions designed to evaluate a candidate’s knowledge and understanding of the Agile syllabus. A grade of 65% or better must be attained in order to pass. The exam is a closed book exam. You have 60 minutes to finish. If English is not your native language, you may take the extended-time ISTQB exam which gives you 25% more time.

ISTQB Advanced Exams: Each Advanced Level exam is composed of multiple-choice questions that vary in points awarded by knowledge level. They correspond to the three different subject areas: “Technical Test Analyst,” “Test Analyst,” and “Test Manager.” The times are shown below but if English is not your native language, you may take the extended-time ISTQB exam that gives you 25% more time.

All three areas must be passed with a grade of 65% or better in order to receive the full Advanced Level certification. You may sit for only one Advanced Level Exam at a time. See the webinar on the Advanced Level syllabi on the syllabi page for more information.

See how many questions are on each ISTQB Advanced Level exam by syllabus chapter, and in total.

ISTQB Testing Specialty Exams: Each ISTQB testing specialty exam consists of multiple-choice questions designed to evaluate a candidate’s knowledge and understanding of its syllabus. A grade of 65% or better must be attained in order to pass. The exam is a closed book exam. The times are shown below. Note: If English is not your native language, you may take the extended-time ISTQB exam which gives you 25% more time.

See how the number of questions on each ISTQB specialty exam by syllabus chapter, and in total.

ISTQB Expert Exam: The Expert Level is quickly evolving and adding new modules. See the Expert Level Syllabi for a full listing of available or upcoming Expert Level certifications. Expert Level Test Management consists of three exams:

  • Expert Test Management – Strategic
  • Expert Test Management – Operational
  • Expert Test Management – Managing the Test Team

In order to achieve “CTEL-TM Full” (Certified Tester Expert Level – Test Management Full) all three exams must be passed with a 65% passing score. And one must first qualify by passing the CTAL-TM (Certified Tester Advanced Level – Test Manager) and submitting proof that you have five years of full-time experience in test management.

Each of the exams consists of multiple-choice and essay questions, and examinees must choose to answer two of the three essay questions provided.

Scoring: Your score is determined as follows:

  • 35 points possible for multiple-choice questions
  • 50 points possible for each of the two essay questions
  • 135 total points

When you take any of the ISTQB Expert Level exams at a test center, you will not receive your score at the end, since your essays need to be graded by our team of experts. This can take three to four weeks.

See the Expert Level Syllabi for additional information.

Where can I find my ISTQB results?

Your ISTQB exam results and scores can be found in your AT*SQA account. AT*SQA is our global ISTQB exam registration provider where you can register for ISTQB exams, see your ISTQB scores, and get extra benefits such as a free connection to LinkedIn to add your certifications, earn points toward your Testing Tiers® software testing level, and appear on the Official U.S. List of Certified Software Testers™ that is searched by American employers.

Does everybody take the exact same ISTQB exam?

No. The questions come from a pool of questions and are being combined differently so that the exam itself changes constantly while the level of difficulty remains comparable. New questions are constantly being developed by the ASTQB’s subject matter experts.

Who is eligible for ISTQB?

See who is eligible for ISTQB exams.

Does ISTQB Expire? How Long is an ISTQB Certification Valid?

See for how long an ISTQB certificate is valid.

How Many Levels Are There In ISTQB?

See how many levels there are in ISTQB certification.

What is the Passing Score for ISTQB?

See what is the passing score for ISTQB exams.

How many attempts are allowed for ISTQB?

See the answer as to how many attempts are allowed for ISTQB exams.

How Many People Pass ISTQB?

See how many people pass ISTQB.

What is the ISTQB Pass Rate?

See the ISTQB pass rate.

How long does it take to prepare for ISTQB?

See the answer as to how long it takes to prepare for ISTQB exams.

How detailed are my ISTQB exam results? Can my employer see my ISTQB exam results?

By policy, ASTQB has directed our exam provider AT*SQA to provide the score (Pass or Fail and percent correct) to an exam taker at the conclusion of the exam. This will be done through official email notification from the system. AT*SQA does make your topic scores (scores by ISTQB syllabus chapter) available through your AT*SQA account. Neither AT*SQA nor ASTQB are able to disclose any other further information about the exam or their results. The results are sent only to the test taker. AT*SQA and ASTQB consider the certification to be specific to an individual, so they do not honor requests from supervisors or companies, but instead, let them know they must contact the exam taker to request the results. This is true regardless of who paid for the exam.

How much does the ISTQB software testing certification exam cost?

The ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level (CTFL) exam is US $229.
The ISTQB Certified Agile Testing exam is US $199.
The ASTQB Certified Mobile Testing exam is US $199.
The ISTQB Certified Usability Testing exam is US $199.
The ISTQB Certified Performance Testing exam is US $199.
The ISTQB Certified Model-Based Testing exam is US $199.
The ISTQB Certified Acceptance Testing exam is US $199.
The ISTQB Certified Automotive Testing exam is US $199.

Each of the Advanced Level exams (Test Manager, Test Analyst, Technical Test Analyst, Test Automation Engineer, Security Testing) is US $249.

Each of the Expert Level exams is US $575.

NOTE: Most options are eligible for discounts through ASTQB’s Volume Purchase Program.

When is payment of the ISTQB exam fee due?

Upon registration for a specific exam and venue or purchase of a voucher.

How do I reschedule my ISTQB exam due to the Coronavirus or another reason?

One of the advantages of taking your ISTQB exam through ASTQB and our ISTQB exam provider, AT*SQA, is the flexibility. You can safely purchase your exam voucher now because:

  • You have up to 365 days to schedule your initial exam date when you purchase a voucher.
  • Once you have scheduled your exam, you may reschedule it with no additional fee so long as you do so at least 72 hours before the exam.
  • You may reschedule your exam multiple times with no additional fee so long as you do so each time at least 72 hours before the exam. In the rare case that the system reports your voucher has a limit on exam rescheduling, please contact AT*SQA support.
  • If you are within 72 hours of your exam, the $90 change fee can only be waived by Kryterion/Webassessor because they have to pay for the employees that staff the testing centers. This requires a doctor’s note stating that you could not sit for the exam. In that case, contact Kryterion via the Kryterion Test Taker Support Area. Do not contact AT*SQA or ASTQB in this case, as the waiver must be given by Kryterion.
  • Kryterion will also post notices in their Kryterion Test Taker Support Area if an area has had a widespread test center closure that requires a no-cost reschedule.
  • Tip: If you have several individuals who can take their exams at the same time in the same location, you may be eligible for an on-site exam. The exams can be any combination of foundation, specialty, advanced or expert certifications. Contact the AT*SQA Support Team for the ISTQB on-site exam criteria and details.

Can I take the ISTQB exam online?

Yes, ISTQB exams are available online through ASTQB anywhere in the world. Take your ISTQB exam online at home. When you pass your ISTQB exam through ASTQB and our ISTQB exam provider AT*SQA, you can appear on the Official U.S. List of Certified Testers™ as well as the ISTQB successful candidate register.

May I take the ISTQB exam again if I do not pass?

Yes, you may take the exam as many times as desired, but full payment is required for each attempt unless you meet the training and exam criteria for a free retake of select ISTQB exams.

Are ASTQB’s ISTQB exams approved for student reimbursement for veterans?


“Approval to offer test for licensing and certification needed to enter, maintain or advance into employment in a civilian vocation or profession under Chapter 36 for the purposes of that chapter and Chapters 30, 32 and 35 of Title 38, U.S.C. and Chapter 1606 of Title 10, U.S.C. whichever is applicable, is granted” for ASTQB’s GI Bill reimbursement: ASTQB’s ISTQB exams have been approved for student reimbursement for veterans for Foundation Level, Agile Testing, Usability Testing, Performance Testing, Model-Based Testing, Advanced Test Analyst, Advanced Technical Test Analyst, Advanced Test Manager, Advanced Security Tester, and Advanced Test Automation Engineer, Expert Test Management – plus ASTQB Mobile. Contact us at info@astqb.org for more information and to confirm the certifications covered, as we will continue to apply for approval for new certifications as they become available. ASTQB will be happy to provide proof of payment and exam results to any student veterans who need this paperwork to apply for reimbursement. See the GI Bill page for more information. If you need to search the GI Bill system to see the certifications and ASTQB contact information for proof of the ISTQB certification eligibility, here are a few tips: Search the entire country (USA), choose “Certification” or “Both” as the category, and “tester” as the L&C name. Click on the certification name, then at the top of the page, the “Institution Profile” link.

Do I have to take a course in order to take the ISTQB exam?

No, you don’t have to take a course in order to take the exam. That is one of the characteristics that makes ISTQB software tester certification unique: you may self study, study with colleagues, or take a course. That said, many people find the courses very helpful, particularly if they would like to prepare quickly, or are taking a higher-level exam. See the list of ASTQB Accredited ISTQB Software Testing Training Providers.

What is AT*SQA?

AT*SQA is the official ISTQB exam provider for ASTQB. AT*SQA is a not-for-profit organization that supports software testing quality.

Is there an ISTQB exam center near me?

Yes, with exam centers throughout the world, there is almost certainly one near you. You can see the current list of exam centers at the Kryterion exam center site, but you must return to the ASTQB/AT*SQA site to register for your ISTQB exam.

Can I take the ISTQB exam from ASTQB even if I’m not in the United States? Is there an exam center in my country? Can I take the ISTQB exam from home?

Yes, you can utilize our testing centers worldwide to take the ASTQB’s ISTQB exams. You can also take your ISTQB exam from ASTQB at home from anywhere in the world. See the “Register Now” page to register.

What Comes After ISTQB Foundation Level?

See the ISTQB certification road map for what comes after ISTQB Foundation Level.

What is the ASTQB Reasonable Accommodations Policy?

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals with disabilities needing a reasonable accommodation to take the ISTQB exam should provide written notice to the American Software Testing Qualifications Board support team through the contact form found on the ASTQB website at least 14 days prior to the exam. Individuals requesting a reasonable accommodation may be required to provide certification of their disability or need for reasonable accommodation so that ASTQB can determine what accommodation, if any, will be provided.

What if American English is my second language? Can I get additional time to take the ISTQB exam?

Participants that take the exam not in their spoken language will receive additional 25% time. If you are taking the paper exam, you must apply to ASTQB at least a week in advance of your exam. If you are taking the electronic exam, you must contact ASTQB before registering so you can receive a special voucher.

The registration form lets me select the certification, date, time and location but the “Select” button is disabled.

You simply need to scroll down to the bottom of the page and check the box acknowledging the terms. Then the Select button can be checked.


I don’t see the ASTQB exams listed, just something called KCP.

You are using an older link. Please be sure to use this link:


See more ISTQB FAQs.