After purchasing an ISTQB exam through our official ISTQB exam provider AT*SQA, you can schedule and take your ISTQB exam.

AT*SQA lets you make the decisions on how and when you take your exam.

  • You can select if you want to go to a testing center or take the ISTQB exam online from home.
  • Additionally, you can choose the day and time that is good for your schedule.
  • ISTQB exams through AT*SQA are available worldwide and at various times throughout the day.

Not ready to take your exam? That’s okay too. AT*SQA’s ISTQB exam vouchers are good for 365 days after purchase. This allows you to take your time and prepare fully for the exam.

Make sure to read through the full step-by-step instructions for ISTQB exams from AT*SQA about:

  • Purchasing ISTQB exam voucher codes
  • Accessing your purchased exam voucher code
  • Checking exam locations, days, and times
  • Scheduling, rescheduling, and canceling your ISTQB exam
  • Rules and regulations for taking ISTQB exams
  • Computer requirements for online exams
  • Technical support
  • And more!

See how you can take an exam through ASTQB and AT*SQA! It’s easy.