ISTQB LogoAgile testing skills are a must-have, so you need the ISTQB Agile Tester certification exam from ASTQB.

“…something I want testers to think about is that as you look at job postings more and more, almost all of them ask for Agile…”
Tom Adams, Software Testing Manager

ISTQB Agile is one of the most popular software testing certification requests in U.S. job postings! Building upon the ISTQB Foundation Level software testing certification, the ISTQB Agile Tester certification exam demonstrates that you:

  • Understand Agile software testing concepts
  • Can communicate effectively with others in an Agile software team
  • Are committed to improving your professional knowledge as a software tester

Be sure to register for your ISTQB Agile exam at our official ISTQB exam provider AT*SQA, as only ASTQB & AT*SQA can add you to both the ISTQB list and the Official U.S. List of Certified Software Testers™ that U.S. employers check. Plus only ASTQB & AT*SQA can add you to the AT*Work™ List of Testers for Hire if you need a job, and give you points toward your Testing Tiers™ software tester ranking.

Get your free ISTQB Agile exam study materials and sample questions and answers below.

If you have already passed your ISTQB Agile certification, the next step is ISTQB Agile Technical Testing certification. Earning ISTQB Agile Technical Tester shows you are ready to be a leader in Agile software QA.

Only ASTQB and AT*SQA let you retake this ISTQB exam for free when you meet the criteria! When you take this ISTQB exam through ASTQB and AT*SQA, you get extra free benefits!

After you earn ISTQB Agile Testing Certification, take the next step with Advanced Level Agile Technical Tester certification from ASTQB.

Register now for your ISTQB Agile Testing Exam through our official ISTQB exam provider AT*SQA

Logo of the Official US List of Certified Testers

Note: American companies check with us, ASTQB, and our official ISTQB exam provider AT*SQA to see if you are on the Official U.S. List of Certified Software Testers™ and to determine your Testing Tiers® software testing level. Plus only ASTQB & AT*SQA can add you to the AT*Work™ List of Testers for Hire if you need a job. To appear on one or both of these lists and earn Testing Tiers® points, you must register through ASTQB and AT*SQA for your ISTQB exam. We will also add you to the ISTQB Successful Candidate Register, of course.

Preparation Resources

  • Syllabus
  • ISTQB Agile Tester Certification Syllabus
  • Sample Exams
  • ISTQB Agile Tester Certification Sample Exam
  • Additional Information
  • ISTQB Agile Tester Certification Additional Information
  • Glossary
  • Glossary of Software Testing Terms
  • Exam Format
  • 40 questions | 60 minutes (25% extended time available if English is not your first language)
  • Pre-requisites
  • ISTQB Foundation Level Certification
  • Exam Structure
  • Exam Structure and Rules
  • Exam Structure Tables

You may also find these ASTQB webinars useful:

In addition, AT*SQA offers related resources including their Agile Software Testing Methodologies micro-credential. The AT*SQA micro-credentials can easy first steps to learn about software testing before you take the ISTQB certification exam.

NOTE: US companies check our list of ISTQB-certified testers because we are the American Software Testing Qualifications Board (ASTQB). You must register for your ISTQB exam through our official ISTQB exam provider AT*SQA to appear on the Official U.S. List of Certified Software Testers™, in the AT*Work™ list of software testers for hire, and earn Testing Tiers® points that increase your level in both lists.

The target professionals for agile testing certification are:

  • Testers experienced with traditional SDLCs
  • Entry-level testers with an interest in Agile testing
  • Experienced developers with some knowledge of testing who work in Agile projects
  • Roles include testers, test analysts, test engineers, test consultants, test managers, user acceptance testers, software developers

This ISTQB Agile Tester certification may also be appropriate for anyone who wants a deeper understanding of software testing in the Agile world, such as project managers, quality managers, software development managers, business analysts, IT directors, and management consultants.

Learn more about the Agile testing certification or download the free syllabus and sample exam above.

Additional Information