• ISTQB Foundation Level exam is $229 USD.
  • ISTQB specialty exams such as ISTQB Agile Testing, ISTQB Usability Testing, ISTQB Model-Based Testing, ISTQB Gambling Industry Testing, ISTQB Mobile Application Testing, and ISTQB Performance Testing have a price of $199 USD.
  • ISTQB’s more advanced specialty exams like Test Automation Engineering and ISTQB Security Testing have a price of $249 USD.
  • ISTQB advanced level exams such as ISTQB Test Analyst, ISTQB Technical Test Analyst, ISTQB Test Manager, and ISTQB Agile Technical Tester have a price of $249 USD.
  • ISTQB Expert Level exams have a cost of $575 USD (but see the ISTQB exam registration page for a special offer that may still apply).

Did you know that when you buy your ISTQB exams through ASTQB and our official ISTQB exam provider AT*SQA, you also get extra benefits like the free one-click LinkedIn connection and the ability to appear in the AT*Work™ list of testers for hire? Booking your ISTQB exam through ASTQB and AT*SQA is also the only way to appear on the Official U.S. List of Certified Software Testers™ in addition to the ISTQB Successful Candidate Register.

See the current ISTQB exam prices on the ASTQB website, or book your ISTQB exam now at our official ISTQB exam provider AT*SQA.