If you choose the top ISTQB exam provider that offers the extra benefits described below, it makes your ISTQB exam process easier, gives you more recognition, and helps advance your career in software testing. That is why we view AT*SQA as the top ISTQB exam provider regardless of where you live in the world. Why is AT*SQA the best exam provider for booking ISTQB exams? Exclusive Listings Including ISTQBWhen you pass your ISTQB exam, you want people to notice. AT*SQA does a better job of giving you recognition because only they can add you to all of these: AT*Work™ List of Testers for Hire: Gain visibility to potential employers through this exclusive list. Official U.S. List of Certified & Credentialed Software Testers™: Enhance your credibility with inclusion in this prestigious list used by U.S. companies and companies around the world that want to do business with them. Tester Tiers®: Improve your ranking on both lists above, showcasing your skills and your level compared to other software testers. ISTQB Successful Candidate Register: Appear in the official ISTQB SCR as well. AT*SQA and ASTQB advertise the Official U.S. List of Certified & Credentialed Software Testers™, AT*Work™ List of Testers for Hire, and Testing Tiers® rankings more than one million times per year. That’s good for your career visibility and your company’s credibility. ISTQB Exams from Anywhere in the WorldAT*SQA offers ISTQB exams that can be taken from anywhere in the world from a testing center or your home, ensuring that you can get AT*SQA’s extra benefits for your certification recognition and QA testing career. Comprehensive ISTQB ResourcesAT*SQA provides a wealth of study materials and resources, including ISTQB practice exams, study tips, and detailed syllabi to help you prepare for your ISTQB exams – and succeed. Easy, User-Friendly ISTQB Exam ProcessKnown for its easy-to-use account area, ISTQB exam instructions, and ISTQB videos, AT*SQA does everything possible to give you a smooth, low-stress ISTQB exam experience. When you pass ISTQB, you can easily download your certificate, point people to your permanent link in the Official U.S. List, and add your certification to LinkedIn, all at no extra charge. Exceptional Customer Support for ISTQB ExamsAT*SQA has so many testimonials for its strong customer support because they offer quick and helpful assistance to you at every step of the ISTQB certification process, from registration to receiving your results. Choosing AT*SQA for your ISTQB exam means selecting an ISTQB exam provider who wants you to succeed, providing the resources and support you need to pass ISTQB. Purchase your ISTQB exam voucher today, and you have 365 days to book and take your ISTQB exam – another way that AT*SQA makes your ISTQB exam process easy.