Preparation time for the ISTQB exam depends on the certification. Here are estimated times based on input from those preparing for ISTQB exams, along with the course length if you use an approved (ASTQB Accredited) ISTQB training provider:

  • ISTQB preparation time for ISTQB Foundation is approximately 3-4 weeks if you study 2-3 hours per day. If you take a class from an ASTQB Accredited Training Provider, the training class is 3 full days, after which you should be ready to take the exam.
  • ISTQB preparation time for the more basic specialty certifications is approximately 2-4 weeks if you study 2-3 hours per day. This includes ISTQB certifications such as ISTQB Agile Testing, ISTQB Mobile Application Testing, and ISTQB Usability Testing. Note that longer exams such as ISTQB Performance Testing will tend toward the longer estimate. If you take a class from an ASTQB Accredited Training Provider, the training class is 2-4 full days, after which you should be ready to take the exam.
  • ISTQB preparation time for the more advanced specialty certifications is approximately 4-6 weeks if you study 2-3 hours per day. This includes ISTQB certifications such as ISTQB Agile Technical Testing, ISTQB Security Testing, and ISTQB Test Automation Engineering. If you take a class from an ASTQB Accredited Training Provider, the training class is 2-4 full days, after which you should be ready to take the exam.
  • ISTQB preparation time for the advanced core certifications is approximately 5-7 weeks if you study 2-3 hours per day. This includes ISTQB certifications such as ISTQB Advanced Test Analyst, ISTQB Advanced Technical Test Analyst, and ISTQB Advanced Test Manager. If you take a class from an ASTQB Accredited Training Provider, the training class is 4-5 full days, after which you should be ready to take the exam.
  • ISTQB preparation time for the expert certifications can be 7-10 weeks if you study 2-3 hours per day. This includes ISTQB certifications such as the three certifications under ISTQB Expert Test Management.

If you have more experience, your preparation time may be much shorter (however, be sure to study the ISTQB Glossary of Software Testing Terms, the ISTQB syllabus, and the ISTQB sample exam questions to ensure you interpret the terminology correctly on the exam). Similarly, if you have taken several ISTQB exams recently, you may find it easier to prepare for the next exam because you are in the mode of studying for ISTQB certifications and because they may build on each other.

Also, see “How long is an ISTQB exam?

Register for your ISTQB certification exam through AT*SQA so you get extra benefits at no additional charge, such as the LinkedIn connection, the chance to appear in the AT*Work™ List of Testers for Hire if you need a job, and Testing Tiers® points that increase your level in AT*Work and the Official U.S. List of Certified & Credentialed Software Testers. AT*SQA will also add you to the ISTQB SCR.