ISTQB Test Automation Strategy certification give you a career boost and puts you in line for promotion because it:

  • Provides insights on optimizing test automation to support systems under test and demonstrates the effects on shift left and shift right approaches
  • Identifies infrastructure components and dependencies affecting test automation
  • Ensures the test automation strategy targets relevant test cases for a high return on investment, regardless of the software development method—waterfall, agile, or DevOps
  • Is aimed at test engineers and managers overseeing the deployment of test automation for projects across the enterprise
  • Incorporates best practices from a global body of test automation architects, test leads, and practitioners

You will prove your readiness for promotion when you attain the ISTQB Test Automation Strategy certification. Download the free resources below and then register for your ISTQB exam through AT*SQA.

Preparation Resources for ISTQB Test Automation Strategy

  • Syllabus v1.0
  • ISTQB Test Automation Strategy Certification Syllabus
  • Sample Exams
  • ISTQB Test Automation Strategy Certification Sample Exam
    Specially created for the ISTQB exam given by ASTQB & AT*SQA
  • Glossary
  • Glossary of Software Testing Terms
  • Exam Format
  • 40 questions | 60 minutes (25% extended time available if English is not your first language)
  • Pre-requisites
  • ISTQB Foundation Level Certification
  • Exam Structure
  • Exam Structure and Rules
  • Exam Structure Tables
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Important: American companies check with us, ASTQB (ISTQB in the U.S.) and our official ISTQB exam provider AT*SQA, to see if you are on the Official U.S. List of Certified Software Testers™ so you must register here through ASTQB or register directly through AT*SQA for your ISTQB exam to appear on that list. We will also add you to the ISTQB Successful Candidate Register, and give you Testing Tiers™ ranking points. If you ever need a job, you can also appear in the AT*Work™ List of Testers for Hire.