What is the Passing Score for ISTQB Certification Exams?

The passing score for any ISTQB certification exam is 65% or greater.

For the ISTQB Foundation Level exam, this means that you must answer at least 26 of the 40 questions correctly to pass.

Note: Other ISTQB exams may have a different number of questions, and/or the questions may vary in how many points they are worth, so answering 26 or more questions correctly may not guarantee passing other ISTQB exams. ISTQB’s standard of scoring 65% or higher is the key measure for passing an exam. See the number of questions and points on each ISTQB exam by syllabus chapter.

See the full list of ISTQB certifications. If you have questions, please contact the support team.

Also, see our tips for how to pass ISTQB, and the levels of ISTQB exam questions.