ISTQB Logo Build your career with ISTQB Security Testing Certification.

Only ASTQB lets you retake this ISTQB exam for free when you meet the criteria!

Build your career with ISTQB Security Testing Certification.

ISTQB Security Testing Certification helps you build your career, and make a difference for your company. According to research by the Ponemon Institute, the average cost of a data breach was $3.62 million. That makes getting ISTQB Security Testing Certification an easy choice!

Security is a hot topic in every corporate boardroom, and ISTQB Security Testing Certification will make you a part of the discussion. The cost of training and ISTQB certification is a tiny fraction of the potential savings in preventing even one data breach!

Register now for your ISTQB Security Testing Exam through our official ISTQB exam provider AT*SQA

Logo of the Official US List of Certified Testers

Important: American companies check with us, ASTQB (ISTQB in the U.S.) and our official ISTQB exam provider AT*SQA, to see if you are on the Official U.S. List of Certified Software Testers™ so you must register here through ASTQB or register directly through AT*SQA for your ISTQB exam to appear on that list. We will also add you to the ISTQB Successful Candidate Register.

Preparation Resources

  • Syllabus
  • ISTQB Security Testing Certification Syllabus
  • Sample Exams
  • ISTQB Security Testing Certification Sample Exam
  • Glossary
  • Glossary of Software Testing Terms
  • Exam Format
  • 45 questions | 2 hours (25% extended time available if English is not your first language)
  • Pre-requisites
  • ISTQB Foundation Level Certification
  • Exam Structure
  • Exam Structure and Rules
  • Exam Structure Tables

Here are the steps to your ISTQB Security Testing Certification:

  1. Download the free ISTQB Security Testing Certification syllabus above.
  2. Download the free ISTQB Security Testing Certification sample exam questions and answers above.
  3. Get training via an ASTQB accredited software training course. Training is optional, but others who have taken certification exams highly recommend it.
  4. Register for the exam only here on the ASTQB website so you can appear in the list that U.S. employers check. (Another important reason to only take the ASTQB versions of the ISTQB exams: They are written to be fair and understandable, without any trick questions.)
  5. Pass the exam. Congratulations! You can now appear in the official ISTQB/ASTQB certification list that U.S. employers check for employees and outsourced testing.

Are you nervous about stepping up to new ISTQB certifications? Here is great advice from a testing professional who earned every Foundation and Advanced certification ASTQB offers!

In addition, this free podcast on ISTQB Advanced certification will inspire you. Hear a veteran tester describe:

  1. Why you shouldn’t fear the Advanced Level exam. As he says, “Why did I wait so long to take my first Advanced exam? I realized it really wasn’t that scary – it wasn’t that bad. And so then I got my next one, and my next one.”
  2. How to prepare for the exam, including two very important tips. After taking the Advanced exams, Tom concluded, “The exams are just made to try to determine, ‘Have you learned the material?’ Well if you learn the material, you’re going to pass the exam. Then you’re going to look back and go, ‘Well it wasn’t that tough.’” Learn his two tips plus why he really appreciated the training course he took.
  3. Why it’s important for your career – and your company – that you become Advanced Level certified. As Tom noted about his own career, “When I first came here, I was hired to be a test lead for our web enterprise and e-commerce side. But as I developed and got more certifications, they thought, ‘Well, maybe he could do this, too.’ And so I took on more responsibilities and worked my way up, so that now I’m managing the test efforts for five major enterprise-level areas that are critical areas.”

This is a podcast that will inspire you!

Information about the ISTQB Security Testing Certification can now be found in a free, recorded webinar. See the ISTQB Security Testing Certification webinar.

Download the free ISTQB Security Testing Certification body of knowledge (syllabus), and sample exam questions and answers above.

It is important to choose an ASTQB Accredited Training Provider if you would like training assistance. Using an accredited training provider assures you that the training course is well designed, follows the syllabus, and will prepare you well for the ISTQB Security Testing Certification exam.