Would you like a job testing video games? If you have no experience, that can be a problem. Game company job postings want software testing know-how: “Must have an understanding of the software test cycle process.” “Needs strong knowledge of software QA methodologies, tools and processes.” “Knowledge of building test plans and developing test execution strategy needed.” But if you have no experience testing games, how do you get video game testing knowledge? The answer: ISTQB Certification from ASTQB, ISTQB in the U.S. Game companies value ISTQB certification from ASTQB. ISTQB is the most popular and fastest-growing software testing certification in the world, used in more than 100 countries. See these U.S. game companies asking for ISTQB certification: Activision Blizzard (maker of Call of Duty, Overwatch, World of Warcraft and other games) Amazon Games (maker of New World and other games) Epic Games (maker of Fortnite and other games) Intrepid Studios (make of Ashes of Creation) Penn Game Studios (maker of Barstool Blackjack and other games) Riot Games (maker of League of Legends and other games) Warner Bros. Entertainment Group (maker of Mortal Kombat and other games) Zynga (maker of Words With Friends and other games) If you want a game testing job for a U.S. company, you must get your ISTQB certification from ASTQB. ASTQB is the American Software Testing Qualifications Board. U.S. companies check with us to see if you are a certified software tester. ASTQB makes it easy, with 3 steps that will help you get a job testing games. See the 3 steps on the ASTQB website right now at astqb.org/games.