Get Peace of Mind With ASTQB’s Exclusive, Free ISTQB Exam Retake Offer

We, ASTQB, are so confident of the quality of our exams and our Accredited Training Provider courses that we’ll let you retake your ISTQB advanced, specialist, or agile certification exam for free one time for that certification if you meet the criteria below:

  1. You passed our ASTQB version of the ISTQB Foundation Level (CTFL) exam, having taken it through ASTQB and/or AT*SQA;
  2. You took a training course from an ASTQB Accredited Training Provider for the ISTQB certification that led to the ISTQB advanced, specialist, or agile exam; and
  3. You took, and unfortunately failed, ASTQB’s ISTQB exam for that ISTQB certification between November 1, 2018 and December 31, 2025 for our ISTQB advanced level exams or between April 26, 2021 and December 31, 2025 for any other applicable exam.

The free exam retake excludes ISTQB Foundation Level and Expert Level and applies only to ISTQB advanced, specialist, or agile exams offered by ASTQB and AT*SQA. ASTQB requires that you pay full price to retake the ISTQB Foundation Level and Expert Level exams if you do not pass.

You must fill out the formal request form for a free retake. This will also allow you to see if you qualify for this offer.

This offer is only available from ASTQB and AT*SQA!

Retaking the ISTQB exam for free provides peace of mind that you can only get from us. It’s yet another reason why you should take your ISTQB certification exams from ASTQB and AT*SQA.

Why are we so confident in the quality of our exams for ISTQB certification?

Our ASTQB exams are written by subject matter experts and evaluated by psychometricians so that we can provide you with a consistently high-quality experience. That means our exams for ISTQB certifications are designed to be understandable and fair, without misleading or “tricky” questions. Add in a quality ASTQB Accredited Training Provider course, and your odds of passing the first time are quite good. But we’ve got you covered either way.

Our exams are available online at home and through Kryterion test centers throughout the world, and many of our Accredited Training Providers offer remote learning, so this offer is available globally.

What do you do if you need to retake the exam?

  1. Contact us with the date you took your exam from ASTQB. We will then request you send a copy of your course receipt or certificate of completion from your ASTQB Accredited Training Provider.
  2. We will verify that you have your ISTQB Foundation Level (CTFL) certification through ASTQB and AT*SQA and that the training provider has you on their list of students that have completed the appropriate course.
  3. After verification of eligibility, we will provide an ISTQB voucher code that can be used to schedule a retake of the exam. Your retake must be completed within 4 months of the original exam at a Kryterion testing center or online. This is available one time for each certification.

Don’t wait! This is a limited-time offer from ASTQB and AT*SQA only! 

ASTQB and AT*SQA reserve the right to change or terminate this offer at any time without notice.