ISTQB LogoISTQB exams are offered through external exam providers. AT*SQA is a global ISTQB exam provider, allowing you to take your ISTQB exam at home or at a testing center anywhere in the world.

AT*SQA is the official ISTQB exam provider for ASTQB, the American Software Testing Qualifications Board. ASTQB is the official representative of ISTQB in the United States.

ISTQB Exam Provider AT*SQAWhen you take and pass your ISTQB exam through AT*SQA, you can appear on 2 lists: both the Official U.S. List of Certified Software Testers, plus the ISTQB Successful Candidate Register. You will also earn points toward your Testing Tiers® software tester level.

Register for your ISTQB exam now at our official ISTQB exam provider AT*SQA. If you have a large group that would like to take the ISTQB exam on-site at your company, contact ASTQB.

Also see our answer to the question, “Who is the Best ISTQB Exam Provider for Booking ISTQB Exams?