ISTQB certification exams can be challenging, but here are a few study tips to take some of the stress away as you prepare for your ISTQB exam. Below are some helpful tips to prepare to pass any ISTQB exam. If you are preparing for the ISTQB Foundation Level exam, we also recommend you read our tips on how to pass the ISTQB Foundation Level Exam. Study Tips for Any ISTQB Exam from ASTQB We highly recommend you register and schedule your ISTQB exam in advance so you have a goal date to keep your studying on track. Here is a more detailed breakdown of those steps to register for and schedule your ISTQB exam. Presuming you have scheduled the ISTQB exam in advance, you should now make a schedule for how you study for the exam. Cramming for a school exam may have worked in the past, but when taking a more professional certification such as ISTQB, it is not recommended. It is very hard to be “exam-ready” if you cram for an exam. You also want to stay on a consistent schedule of preparation without large gaps in between studying. As you learn from the syllabus and glossary, remember to test yourself periodically with the specially-created ISTQB practice exams from ASTQB. This will help you identify where you need to go back and restudy the items you are not retaining well. (Note: The times listed in the syllabi are guidance for instructors who are talking and going through slides. You may be able to read and study faster than those times indicate.) Focus on the things you don’t know, not the items that you do. Your main goal before the ISTQB exam is to try and establish knowledge of the items that you are having the most difficulty learning. The things you know well should be very easy for you on exam day. Form a study group of others in your organization who have or will be taking the ISTQB exam. “Two heads are better than one” as the saying goes. It’s also easier to study consistently when you have others studying on the same schedule. Take the ISTQB practice exams from ASTQB frequently. Be sure to use the sample exams that have ASTQB on the cover because they are specially designed for the ISTQB exams delivered by ASTQB and AT*SQA. This not only will help you retain certain knowledge, but it will also get you comfortable with the general format of ASTQB’s ISTQB exams. Good luck on your ISTQB exam through ASTQB! Also, see some of our other resources when preparing for your exam: Preparing for an ISTQB Exam from ASTQB – Registering and Scheduling Tips Preparing for an ISTQB Exam from ASTQB – Exam Day Tips How a tester prepared for and passed ISTQB Foundation on their first try Tips for Preparing for the ISTQB Foundation Level Exam 5 reasons you should only take your ISTQB exam from ASTQB & AT*SQA Register for your ISTQB exam through AT*SQA