ISTQB exams can be a little intimidating, but below are a few tips to reduce your stress as you take your ISTQB exam.

Exam Day Tips for Any ISTQB Exam from ASTQB

  1. Before you begin the ISTQB exam, take a second and BREATHE! Stay positive. You have studied and prepared well. You should really believe that you can pass and get ISTQB certified.
  2. Be hydrated, but not too hydrated. You will not be allowed to take a bathroom break during the exam.
  3. The first few seconds of the ISTQB exam, don’t immediately begin answering the questions until you see the setup. While you can’t bring notes into the ISTQB exam, you are provided with a notes area where you can now add anything you have a problem remembering. You can go back and reference that notes area during the ISTQB exam.
  4. When reading a question, take a moment to try and answer it in your mind before looking at the choices for the answer.
  5. Your initial choice is generally the correct choice, so don’t constantly second guess yourself.
  6. Try to answer everything as best you can. It’s a challenging exam, so you aren’t expected to get it 100% right.

Good luck with your next ISTQB exam through ASTQB! Check out some of our other resources when preparing for your exam: