If you took your ISTQB exam through ASTQB or AT*SQA, submit the form below. If you took your ISTQB exam through any other organization, check with that organization. Locate an Old Certificate Full Name(Required)Email(Required)Certificate Verification InformationThe information below is required in order to find older certificates and to allow you access to the account. Certificate NumberPlease fill this out if you have the certificate number. This is not required.Company Name(Required)What company were you working for at the time you were certified?Mailing Address(Required)What was your mailing address (home address, not email address) at the time you were certified? (not your current mailing address if you have moved since).Email Address(Required)What was your email address at the time you were certified? This can be another personal email address or a work email address.NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.