ISTQB Exam Information ISTQB certification is the #1 global certification for the profession of software testing. More than 1.1 million exams have been taken and nearly 850,000 certifications have been issued in 130+ countries. ISTQB certification is one of the largest vendor-neutral certifications in the world. ISTQB’s testing terminology is recognized as the standard in software testing for all intents and purposes. ISTQB makes available several free resources including its: ISTQB syllabus (body of knowledge) for each ISTQB certification that covers a testing subject thoroughly. ISTQB glossary of software testing terms ISTQB sample exam questions and answers ASTQB, the official representative of ISTQB in the United States, provides ISTQB exams globally. These exams are valid in every country in the world. In addition, ASTQB and its official global ISTQB exam provider, AT*SQA, provide several extra benefits at no additional charge when taking the ISTQB exam through ASTQB or AT*SQA. These include: Inclusion in both the ISTQB successful candidate register and if you choose, the Official U.S. List of Certified Software Testers™ (being included on both lists can be especially helpful if you believe you may ever work for a U.S. company either directly or as part of a testing services company). Earning Testing Tiers® points that increase your software tester ranking level in the Official U.S. List of Certified Software Testers™ and the AT*Work™ Software Tester Directory. Inclusion in the AT*Work™ Software Tester Directory if you are seeking a software testing job at any point in your career. See these resources to learn more about ISTQB exams: The full list of ISTQB exams Free ISTQB exam study materials ISTQB exam registration and booking information If you have any questions about ISTQB exams, contact the friendly ASTQB support team.