Why do American companies check with ASTQB & AT*SQA to see if you are ISTQB certified? Because ASTQB is the official U.S. Board for ISTQB certification, and AT*SQA is our official ISTQB exam provider. Did you know that each country board creates its own version of the ISTQB exam? ASTQB creates the American version, so American companies check with us, ASTQB, and our ISTQB exam provider AT*SQA. You can only appear on the Official U.S. List of Certified Software Testers™ when you register for your ISTQB exam through ASTQB or AT*SQA (we will also add you to the ISTQB Successful Candidate Registry). As a bonus, when you register for your ISTQB exam through ASTQB or AT*SQA, you will earn points toward your Testing Tiers™ software tester ranking! You can take your ISTQB exam at home from anywhere in the world. But you must register through ASTQB or AT*SQA to appear on both the Official U.S. List of Certified Software Testers™ and the ISTQB list, as well as earn points toward your Testing Tiers™ ranking. We look forward to seeing you appear on the Official U.S. List of Certified Testers™ and climb up the rankings in Testing Tiers™! Register now.