If you want to build your software testing career and get new jobs and promotions, then you should not stop after you get ISTQB Foundation Level certification. To move your career forward, you need to separate yourself from your competition with specialty and advanced testing knowledge and skills. For the fastest answer, try our 2-minute software testing career path interactive quiz. In addition, here are recommendations for ISTQB certifications from those who have achieved a high level of success in their career: If you work in an Agile environment, consider Agile Testing and Agile Technical Testing. If you work with customers, then Acceptance Testing, Usability Testing, and Advanced Level Test Analyst will be beneficial. If you want to explore amazing opportunities, pursue AI Testing now. If you love a technical challenge and want to become an expert, Advanced Level Test Automation Engineer, Performance Testing, Advanced Level Technical Test Analyst, and Model-Based Testing should be on your radar. If you’re working on mobile apps or the Internet of Things, then Mobile Application Testing or IoT and Mobile Testing should be considered for your upcoming certifications. If you want to work in a specialized industry, you should get certifications like Game Testing, Automotive Software Testing, or Gambling Industry Testing. If you see yourself as a leader, Advanced Level Test Management, Test Automation Strategy, and Expert Level Test Management are top choices. If you want to complement any of the above, then Security Testing gives you an additional competitive edge. Getting these certifications through ASTQB and AT*SQA will build your career because: Companies appreciate employees who continually improve. An ASTQB survey found that over 90% of ISTQB-certified testers feel that certification aids in gaining professional recognition. It enhances your ranking and recognition. Each new certification through ASTQB and AT*SQA will increase your level in Testing Tiers®, moving you up in the Official U.S. List of Certified & Credentialed Software Testers™ and, if you’re job hunting, the AT*Work™ List of Testers for Hire. Prove you are ready for that next job or promotion. Register for your next ISTQB certification exam at AT*SQA now.