ISTQB certification offers many career benefits. But make sure you choose the best ISTQB exam provider so you can maximize those benefits. So where is the best place to register for your ISTQB exam?

ISTQB Certification LogoWhen deciding on an ISTQB exam provider to register for your ISTQB, you should ask the following:

  • Does the ISTQB exam provider give me easy options for taking the ISTQB exam?
  • Does the ISTQB exam provider provide excellent customer service?
  • Does the ISTQB exam provider give me extra benefits that will help my career?

Of course, the ISTQB exam provider has to offer the ISTQB exam wherever you are in the world. You should be able to take the exam at home, at work, or at a testing center. But that’s obvious, and we wouldn’t recommend the best ISTQB exam provider unless they could offer you an ISTQB anywhere in the world.

After considering the criteria above, we recommend AT*SQA as the best ISTQB exam provider. That is why we selected AT*SQA as our official ISTQB exam provider globally.

Best ISTQB Exam ProviderWhy do we think AT*SQA is the best ISTQB exam provider for booking your ISTQB exam? Let’s go through the criteria about where to register for ISTQB:

  • AT*SQA provides very easy options for taking the ISTQB exam.
    • AT*SQA offers ISTQB exam vouchers that are good for 365 days. That means you have a full year to schedule and take your exam, which is helpful with your busy schedule.
    • AT*SQA also offers free rescheduling if you change your exam date/time at least three days in advance.
    • If you are a test manager, you’ll love how easy it is to purchase ISTQB vouchers for your entire team. After purchasing your ISTQB vouchers, you just give the voucher codes to each employee. Your employees set up their accounts and schedule their own exams, so there is no additional work for you. Plus, if you purchase 20 or more ISTQB exams in any combination (for example 12 ISTQB Foundation Level, 6 ISTQB Agile, 2 ISTQB Test Analyst, etc.), you will receive a 10% discount on the entire purchase.
  • AT*SQA provides excellent customer service to ISTQB exam takers.
    • See the ISTQB exam taker testimonials on the AT*SQA website. They get excellent reviews from exam takers throughout the world.
    • The AT*SQA account area is super easy to use. Plus, it lets you view your ISTQB exam results by topic, download your ISTQB certificate and letter, add your ISTQB certification to LinkedIn for free, download receipts on demand, add yourself to high-profile lists so you get more recognition, and much more.
    • The AT*SQA support team loves helping exam takers succeed and can provide helpful tips on training and free resources. Plus, if you have a large group taking the exam, they make it very easy and can work with ASTQB to give you great discounts.
  • AT*SQA gives free, extra benefits to ISTQB exam takers.

It’s clear that as the American Software Testing Qualifications Board, the official representative of ISTQB in the United States, we believe AT*SQA is the best ISTQB exam provider not only for the U.S. but no matter where you live in the world. It is especially important to use AT*SQA as your ISTQB exam provider if you think you might ever work for an American company in the U.S. or remotely from another country. That’s because American employers check the Official U.S. List of Certified Software Testers™ to see if you are certified and how you rank compared to other testers (so be sure to take your ISTQB Foundation Level and all other ISTQB exams through AT*SQA so you can get maximum points in Testing Tiers®). Plus, American companies may use software testing RFPs that require the outsourced testers to appear in the Official U.S. List of Certified Software Testers™. You can’t appear there unless you took your ISTQB exam through AT*SQA.

Register for your ISTQB exam now at our official ISTQB exam provider AT*SQA. If you have a large group and want to take the ISTQB exam on-site at your company, contact ASTQB. We can tell you about all of the ISTQB group discounts that are available through us and AT*SQA.