Gain an advantage in software testing consulting and testing services when your testers earn ISTQB certification from ASTQB and AT*SQA.

You will get extra publicity and attention because we advertise the following lists millions of times per year:

Logo of the Official US List of Certified Testers

Appearing in these lists gives you an advantage because U.S. governmental and commercial organizations may also specifically request ISTQB certification from ASTQB and AT*SQA in their software testing services requests for proposals (RFPs). ISTQB certification through ASTQB (ISTQB in the U.S.) and our official ISTQB exam provider AT*SQA demonstrates your company’s commitment to communicating well: your testers have taken and passed ASTQB’s official American English ISTQB exam.

Here are a few more ways ISTQB Certification from ASTQB & AT*SQA gives you an advantage and helps you to Keep Your Software Out of the Headlines®

  • Your clients can trust your software testing knowledge. ISTQB software tester certification is the most popular software testing certification in the world, with more than 1,000,000 software testing certification exams taken across more than 100 countries. ASTQB is the official U.S. non-profit organization that provides ISTQB software testing certification. AT*SQA is our official global ISTQB exam provider.
  • It brings consistency to your clients’ testing efforts and communication.  By utilizing ISTQB certification from ASTQB, you offer clients a standard of American English communication, methodology, and excellence in your software testing. This is critical to integrating well with your clients’ internal test teams and management.

See “Why Companies Choose ISTQB” and then get a competitive advantage by registering your software testers for ISTQB certification through ASTQB and AT*SQA.

As a consultant, your company can also gain a competitive edge by advertising its use of ISTQB software testing certification from ASTQB. Learn about the ISTQB Partner Program that helps your company build awareness of your testers’ ISTQB certifications from ASTQB.