Becoming an ISTQB-accredited training provider through ASTQB is easy!

Choose from two options:

  1. Accreditation:  You create your own course and have ASTQB’s testing experts review and approve it
  2. Licensing: You license an approved course from an ASTQB accredited training provider

Accreditation and Licensing FAQ

How can I become an accredited software testing training provider for ISTQB certification?

Training providers wishing to offer accredited ISTQB training leading to ASTQB/ISTQB recognition must submit an application for accreditation to ASTQB (see the links at the bottom of this page – those PDFs have the detailed information and answers to most of your questions). In reviewing the application, the ASTQB accreditation team will verify that the applicant-training provider has the ability to teach the ISTQB syllabus material using competent training staff and appropriate materials.

ASTQB requires evidence of thought in preparation and detailed planning to run an accredited training course. The training provider must demonstrate the capability to successfully administer the accredited training courses.

ASTQB requires that all proposed instructors have at least five years of practical experience in software testing and software engineering and have demonstrated proficiency as an instructor of software engineering courses. All instructors must hold the certificate that they teach. The ASTQB Accreditation Panel will reject incomplete applications.

For complete details, see the appropriate form below (the links to the PDFs at the bottom of the page) and contact ASTQB for more information.

How can I license an ISTQB training course through another training provider?

ASTQB will recognize the bona fide licensing agreement between one of its ASTQB accredited training providers and a separate training provider, under the following condition detailed in the “Licensee of Accredited Training Provider” form which can be downloaded below.

Note that the licensing firm must contractually agree to use only ASTQB’s exams for any courses in the U.S. These exams must be purchased through ASTQB or ASTQB’s official ISTQB exam provider AT*SQA.

For complete details, see the appropriate form below and contact ASTQB for more information.

Which courses can I be a training provider for?

See a full listing of the ISTQB certifications

How much does it cost to become an accredited software testing training provider?

See the appropriate form below and contact ASTQB for more information.

What benefits are possible for ASTQB-accredited software testing training providers who offer ISTQB exams from ASTQB and its exam provider AT*SQA?

If your training company has been accredited by ASTQB and you have paid the appropriate annual fees, we may include it in our marketing efforts depending on your use of ASTQB exams. Examples may include:

  • We may list and link to your company on the ASTQB website, which can be very helpful for driving traffic to your site.
  • We may provide a list of accredited training providers in brochure form to visitors at our booth when we exhibit at trade shows.
  • We may publish offers from accredited training providers in our newsletters throughout the year.
  • We may provide special support and tools for your exam voucher purchases and your exam administration.

Note that ASTQB reserves the right to update the benefits at any time. ASTQB will provide preferential benefits and marketing exposure to those ASTQB-accredited training providers who can prove that they offer only ASTQB’s version of ISTQB exams to their customers.

Training Provider Applications, Rules and Regulations

Please refer to the appropriate application form below. Each form includes the rules and regulations applicable to its accreditation, licensing, or recognition.