What is an ISTQB Certified Tester? An ISTQB Certified Tester is a person who has earned one or more ISTQB Certifications.

How does a person become an ISTQB Certified Tester? This is done by purchasing an ISTQB exam and passing that exam through a member board such as ASTQB or an official ISTQB exam provider such as AT*SQA.

Is ISTQB Certified Tester helpful for my career? ISTQB Certification is the most widely recognized, popular software testing certification in the world. It is highly valued by organizations, and many companies request ISTQB Certification in their job postings.

ISTQB in the U.S.

Is there more than one exam to become an ISTQB Certified Tester? The first exam you must earn is the ISTQB Foundation Level Certification. The designation is ISTQB Certified Tester, Foundation Level (ISTQB CTFL). Upon passing that exam, a person is considered an ISTQB Certified Tester.

What is the structure of an ISTQB Certification exam? An ISTQB Certification exam varies by the level and type of ISTQB Certification. For example, the ISTQB Foundation Level Certification consists of 40 questions that must be answered in 60 minutes (75 minutes if the exam is not in your native language). Other ISTQB vary in the number of questions and the allowed time. See the ISTQB resources for details.

Are some ISTQB Certification exams more difficult than others? ISTQB exams vary in the ISTQB question difficulty (K-level), number of questions, and time allowed. See the full list of ISTQB exams for the details.

Are there preparation resources to become an ISTQB Certified? A free syllabus (body of knowledge), glossary, and sample exam questions and answers exist. See the ISTQB exam preparation resources for the details. In addition, you may also choose paid training courses, including ISTQB training courses that have been accredited because they are proven to cover the syllabus for that particular exam adequately. We also recommend you see “How to Pass the ISTQB Foundation Level Exam.”

Does it matter where I take my ISTQB Certification exam? Taking your ISTQB Certification exam through ASTQB and our official ISTQB exam provider AT*SQA gives you extra, free ISTQB benefits, and it can be done from your home or a testing center anywhere in the world. Your ISTQB certificate from AT*SQA is valid globally.

Who should I contact if I have questions about ISTQB? ASTQB’s ISTQB Certification support team can help with questions you have about sitting for your ISTQB certification exam.