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3 Ways to Build Effective Software Testing Teams That Include Temporary Testers

Bringing in software testers on a temporary basis is a strategy that companies sometimes use to handle surges in project needs. This can be done on an individual basis or by contracting with a testing services company.

However, the challenge of integrating temporary testers into your team can be great. It brings downside potential for a loss of efficiency, miscommunication, and issues with quality. How can you prevent these types of issues from occurring so that your temporary testers make a solid contribution to the project?

We suggest these three ways to build effective software testing teams that include temporary testers:
  1. Use globally-accepted testing terms. Have you ever started a job and been confused for several days (or even weeks) as you tried to decipher the new acronyms and "inside" language? This is why your current employees should standardize their terminology to that used in the ISTQB glossary of software testing terms. Additionally, require that your temporary testers have ISTQB Foundation Level Certification at a minimum as proof that they know this terminology. (Here is easy-to-use sample RFP language to require ISTQB certification if you are contracting for outside testing services.)
  2. Use globally-accepted software testing principles. Even if you use the same terms, be sure that you are also on the same page when it comes to testing approaches, testing techniques, and so forth. This will avoid confusion and allow for easier collaboration. ISTQB Foundation Level Certification noted above is the gold standard starting point, and ISTQB Agile Testing Certification is a must for many companies, but higher levels such as ISTQB Test Analyst Certification are essential depending on your team. As noted above, require these certifications through your postings or RFP.
  3. Check in with the temporary testers frequently. Have you ever been scared to ask a question because it might make you look less smart? Be proactive in reaching out to your temporary testers and asking them questions, then asking them if they have questions in return.
If you utilize temporary testers or outside testing services, it is important that you ensure their communication and testing principles mesh well with your current team to ensure efficiency and quality. Requiring that the testers have passed ASTQB's official American English ISTQB certification exam can be a helpful way to make that happen. This will also make for a smoother transition in the future if you are fortunate enough to be able to add these testers as full-time employees.
Add Your ISTQB Certifications to LinkedIn - It's Easy

Add Your Certifications to LinkedIn - It's Easy

It's easy to add your ISTQB Certifications from ASTQB to LinkedIn! Our official ISTQB exam provider AT*SQA offers a convenient way to let everyone know you are ISTQB Certified. You can do this directly from your AT*SQA account:
  • Go to "My Account" on the AT*SQA site (set/reset your password if needed).
  • Click "My Certificates" in the Manage My Account section.
  • Click the "Add to Profile" button that has the LinkedIn icon - this will take you to your LinkedIn account (log in at LinkedIn if needed) and prefill the information.
  • Click "This credential does not expire" as appropriate, then Save.
See below for an example of the "My Certificates" page.
Add Your Certifications To LinkeIn Via AT*SQA

AT*SQA is Raising Your Profile with U.S. Employers

AT*SQA is also making it easier for employers to understand what your certifications represent. (Have you ever been asked the question, "What does CTFL mean?" We have!) 

See the graphic profiles and Testing Tiers® levels in the Official U.S. List of Certified Testers™ – just click on the "View Profile" button next to your name in the search results.

Keep watching for more enhancements as AT*SQA raises your profile with U.S. employers!
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