Get to Know Your ASTQB Technical Advisory Group

Michael Prisby, CTFL
Portfolio Testing Practice Project Leader - UPS

Volunteer Role in ASTQB
ASTQB Technical Advisory Group (TAG) Member

About Michael
Michael has fifteen years of experience in managing, implementing, and performing all aspects Quality Assurance Testing and Software Test Automation. He has a Master of Science degree in Computer Information Systems, and a Bachelor of Science degree in Information Systems. He has extensive experience in Quality Assurance Project Management, Total Quality Management (TQM), Testing Processes and Methodologies, Test Automation creation and implementation, Quality and Test Metrics, Defect Management (process, tracking, and metrics), Software Development Methodologies (SDM), Software Development Life Cycles (SDLC), and Software Application/Customer Support. He has been working at UPS for the past 10 years and has held multiple Testing related positions, from Senior Quality Analyst to Quality Assurance Manager. In his current role, Portfolio Testing Practice Project Leader, he owns ultimate responsibility for testing within his Portfolio (approximately 128 QA resources). He provides the strategy, guidance, and leadership to implement and manage the testing practice in accordance to the optimal testing model based on his in-depth analysis.

Why Michael Joined the ASTQB Technical Advisory Group
"Software testing has been going through significant changes over the past decade," said Michael. "The dependency of companies upon armies of manual testers to deploy software products is a thing of the past. With the explosion of the different test tools for the various types of testing (manual, automation, stress, performance, etc.), today's testers not only need the skills of old (analytical, writing, communication, etc.) but they require additional skills and knowledge (software development, architecture, hardware, and environment) to be successful. I am truly pleased to be a part of the ASTQB Technical Advisory Group as we help shape the software testers of the future."