You Can Be A Leader

Be a Leader in Software Testing

Being the boss at any job would be great, but that is not what being a leader is about. No matter where you rank in leadership, no matter what your role is for an organization, be the leader that you would also like to be led by. Being a leader is not about telling someone to do something, it is about striving to be the best that you can be and pushing yourself to be better than who you were yesterday. 
Key skills you need as a leader:

  • Listening and communication within your team are a must.
  • Holding yourself to the same standards as others around you is also needed.
  • Another valuable attribute is seeing potential in your personal development and working towards achieving it.
These are not things that are achieved overnight. As a good leader, you must always reevaluate yourself. 

Let's not stop at personal development but expand that to what could make a team stronger:

  • You should also motivate others around you to also be leaders on your team.
  • A team should understand each other’s strengths and what each one of you contributes to the final product.
How can ISTQB Certifications help? If something is getting lost in translation, look at helping each other by making sure everyone is on the same level.

For software testers, this could mean looking into training their team with the same vocabulary and methods that have been proven to work with other software testing teams worldwide. ISTQB Certifications were developed to standardize terminology and methodology. It will strengthen a team and allow the development of great leadership in individuals on the team. Everyone including new employees, management, and established team members will benefit from these certifications.
ASTQB has worked with individuals, small groups, larger groups, and companies over the years to get people ISTQB certified. We offer exams online, in testing centers, and even in-house at different companies.

Look at the options for getting your team certified!
Official U.S. List of Certified Software Testers
Getting on the Official U.S. List of Certified Software Testers is Reason #1.
See all 5 reasons you should take your ISTQB exams through ISTQB & AT*SQA from your home — anywhere in the world. 

Updated FAQ: Where should I begin if I am new to software testing? Can I take my exam online?

Our official exam provider, AT*SQA, is always happy to answer your questions about registration, scheduling, and more! You can find answers to common questions such as these on their FAQ page:

  • How do I register for an exam?
  • How do I take an exam?
  • How do I reschedule an exam? 

Do you have a question you would like us to answer? Let us know!

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