AT*SQA and ASTQB are considering hosting "Software Testing Chats" so small groups of testers can meet each other online and share ideas. Tell us what you think.
The chats might be informal get togethers, or focus on a topic such as how to become a test manager. They could also be more technical focusing on test automation or performance testing. What are your ideas?
U.S. Jobs Requesting ISTQB Now at Record Levels
Given that we are the official U.S. representative of ISTQB in the United States, we keep a close eye on U.S. job postings. Those job postings requesting ISTQB certification are at the highest levels we've seen!
With such competition for ISTQB certified testers in the U.S., AT*SQA can give your job posting a higher profile. If you are seeking to add an ISTQB certified tester to your team, contact AT*SQA and they will add it to their site for free on their career page.
That's because AT*SQA and ASTQB promote the importance of hiring individuals on our Official U.S. List of Certified Software Testers™, and our ads have been seen millions of times. The new Tester Tiers™ software tester rankings on the list are making it even more popular because it helps companies compare software testers.
ASTQB & AT*SQA also add you to the ISTQB Successful Candidate Register, so you get to be on both lists when you take your ISTQB exam through ASTQB & AT*SQA!